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Organic Chemistry 2 Part C - Eliminations and Cycloadditions

Dr J M Sanderson, Ext 42107, Room 112.

See for further information.


These lectures are goven to provide knowledge of 1,2-elimination reactions for making alkenic and alkynic bonds and the involvement of alkenes and alkynes in cycloaddition reactions.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of these lectures, students should be able to:


Lecture 1: Introduction. E1 elimination.

Lecture 2: E1 elimination (contd.) and E1cb eliminations.

Lecture 3: E2 eliminations.

Lecture 4: E2 eliminations (contd.) and eliminations from diasteroisomers and cyclic systems.

Lecture 5: Alkyne formation. Benzynes. Introduction to cycloadditions.

Lecture 6: Frontier molecular orbital descriptions of thermal and photochemical cycloadditions.

Reading List

General Texts:

1. J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren and P. Wothers, “Organic Chemistry”, Oxford University Press, 2000.
3. F. A. Carey and R. J. Sundberg, “Advanced Organic Chemistry Parts A & B”, Springer, 5th ed., 2007.