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Organic Chemistry 2 Part B - C-C Bond Formation, Oxidation/Reduction, Protecting Groups

Dr J M Sanderson, Ext 42107, Room 112.

See for further information.


These lectures are given to provide knowledge of methods and strategies for making C-C and C=C bonds for constructing reasonably complex organic molecules; the concept of selectivity in organic synthesis will be introduced, with particular reference to protecting groups, oxidations and reduction reactions.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of these lectures, students should be able to:


Lecture 1: Introduction. Revision of key chemistry from level 1. Generation and reactions of enolates.

Lecture 2: β-Dicarbonyl compounds. Kinetic and thermodynamic enolates. Aldol reaction.

Lecture 3: Aldol cross condensations. Claisen condensation.

Lecture 4: Michael and Mannich reactions. Disconnections.

Lecture 5: Wittig reaction. Reduction of carbonyl compounds.

Lecture 6: Hydrogenation. Wolf-Kishner reaction. Dissolving metal reductions.

Lecture 7: Protecting groups. Oxidations.


There will be two workshops towards the end of the Michaelmas term. You will be required to attend one of these. Please refer to the course noticeboard nearer this time for further information.

Reading List

General Texts:

  1. J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren and P. Wothers, “Organic Chemistry”, Oxford University Press, 2000.
  2. F. A. Carey and R. J. Sundberg, “Advanced Organic Chemistry Parts A & B”, Springer, 5th ed., 2007.
  3. S. G. Warren and P. Wyatt, “Organic Synthesis: the Disconnection Approach”, 2nd ed., Wiley, 2008.

Other Sources (Checked 19/09/2011):

  1. - the bits on carbonyls, enolates and α,β-unstaurated carbonyls are relevant.
  2. - ChemTube3D; interactive animations of chemical reactions and bonding.
  3. - tutorial on writing curly arrow mechanisms.
DUO Material:

On DUO in the Core Chemistry 2 area you will find:

In addition, the problems for the workshops in Weeks 7/8, the revision workshops in the Easter term and the corresponding sets of answers, will be posted on DUO (under the "Assignments" tab) in due course.