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The Sanderson Group Homepage

Department of Chemistry
Durham University, Durham, UK


Photo of Dr Sanderson
Logo for the Biophysical Sciences Institute, Durham University

Research in the Sanderson group focuses on the interactions of proteins and peptides with membranes.

Research Areas:

Recent Publications:

"Lysis of membrane lipids promoted by small organic molecules: Reactivity depends on structure but not lipophilicity", Hannah M. Britt, Aruna S. Prakash, Sanna Appleby, Jackie A. Mosely and John M. Sanderson, Sci. Adv., 2020, 6, eaaz8598.

"Far from Inert: Membrane Lipids Possess Intrinsic Reactivity That Has Consequences for Cell Biology", John M. Sanderson, BioEssays, 2020, e1900147.

"Lytic Reactions of Drugs with Lipid Membranes", Hannah M. Britt, Clara A. García-Herrero, Paul W. Denny, Jackie A. Mosely and John M. Sanderson, Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 674–680.

"The Influence of Cholesterol on Melittin Lipidation in Neutral Membranes", Hannah M. Britt, Jackie A. Mosely and John M. Sanderson, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019, 21, 631–640.

"The Association of Defensin HNP-2 with Negatively Charged Membranes: A Combined Fluorescence and Linear Dichroism Study", Catherine J. Pridmore, Alison Rodger and John M. Sanderson, Biochim. Biophys. Acta - Biomembr., 2016, 1858, 892–903.

Society Membership:

Member of the British Biophysical Society (committee member), Biophysical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC).